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River monitoring network in northern Germany – a case study

In July 2022, an environmental disaster hit the Oder River, a vital waterway for both Poland and Germany. The mass die-off of fish triggered an extensive investigation into the possible causes, but could this tragedy have been prevented? In July 2022, an environmental disaster hit the Oder River, a vital waterway for both Poland and Germany. The mass die-off of fish triggered an extensive investigation into the possible...

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Using the Apache Unmanned Survey Vessel

This paper explores the various features of the Apache USV series for efficient seafloor-level mapping. The CHCNAV hydrographic survey software is used for data recording and analysis. It provides results...

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Bart Dierickx

Bart Dierickx has been the network operator of the FLEPOS service since 2005. Prior to this role, he was active as a surveyor in the dredging world and for the...

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The Evolution of FLEPOS 3.0

A continuously operating reference station (CORS) provides GNSS data to support very accurate 3D positioning and additional geophysical applications. Flemish Positioning Services (FLEPOS) is the real-time global navigation satellite system...

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